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leather cleaning Doncaster photos

Leather cleaning Doncaster photos

So this is just a few pictures of us doing leather cleaning. Its what we do every day. No set up pictures. Only us doing our leather cleaning and some before and after photos.

We deep clean and re protect all sorts of leather. Mainly sofa’s and furniture leather though. We live and work in Doncaster. A truly local firm, not a national lead generating machine only in it for the money. After years in business we value our relationship with our clients. But that is what it is. Our clients use us once then keep coming back because of the quality of our work.

Leather cleaning Doncaster photos – Years of happy clients

We have clients going back years. It’s amazing really, just watching the children grow up. Then they become clients! In this world, it’s all about finding a great service and sticking with it. Using local people is a start. At least you can find them again if you need to.

So what do we do. Well with leather furniture it’s really important to keep it clean. It’s nice to look at a great looking leather sofa. But this is not the main reason. Main reasons for cleaning leather furniture are to get the damaging fine sand and grit particles out of the leather. These very damaging particles scratch away at the leather as you get on and off and move around it.

Leather cleaning Doncaster photos – A deep down leather clean

It’s impossible to keep them away. They drop off clothing and get everywhere. But the real problem is that they scratch the protective layer off that the factory puts on before you buy it. This then leaves the pigment (the paint) exposed. Then it’s a quick step to loosing your colour. Yes, leather does not come of the cow blue, green, red or black. It’s painted! This paint will rub off quickly once the protective coating has worn off.

Our job as leather cleaners to first remove all the pollutants. Do a really deep clean and then put a new protective coat on. It’s important that this is done correctly. And with the appropriate products.

Leather cleaning Doncaster photos – Using only the correct products

You need to be very careful with over the counter products. It is vital that you understand what is in it. If it contains alcohol for example, it may dry your leather suite. Alcohol can also remove paint! When we come to clean your sofa. The first thing we do is look down the microscope to see what sort of leather you have. Will you be guessing on your £4000 suite?

leather cleaning Doncaster photos

leather cleaning Doncaster photos

Then once it is cleaned. that is, once you have taken the protective layer off. What are you going to replace it with? You may want to look into what silicone based products can do to leather before you apply furniture polish!

Well anyway, I hope that has given you a basic idea of why you need to deep clean and re protect your leather sofa. If you need us, we are only down the road. In Doncaster.

Contact us through the web site, telephone or facebook.

01302 272102



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Leather Sofa Cleaners
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